Tuesday, September 6, 2011


If there was a stronger word than exhausted; and I'm pretty sure there is, then that would describe me. I had a lot of fun last night. A lot more than I've had for a long time, actually. However, I was SO upset because I was in the middle of writing my research paper for History and then the power went out! But a few hours later the power came back on and I got to finish my paper.
During that time the power was out, I was planning everything for a little family get-together, which included me, my husband, his two sisters and their boyfriends (one boyfriend, one fiancee), his brother, and his sisters fiancee's sister. A little confusing, I know... but Its a lot simpler to see it in person. The day before that, my sister-in-law and I planned on digging up a fire pit in the back yard and having smores and all of us getting together around the fire. Unfortunately, it rained that same night, so nothing would light! We had the graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows, so I wasn't going to let a little rain stop me. I made my husband go with me to the Piggly Wiggly and we got some charcoal and lighter fluid. We got out the old grill (I call it a BBQ pit), which looks like it hadn't been used for years, cleaned it out, added charcoal, lighter fluid, and fire, and there we go! We had fire! So my plans all came together. We all relaxed by the fire, made smores, and had fun outside, all except for my sister-in-law; the one I made all the plans with, and her boyfriend. They watched a movie instead.
The night wasnt over yet! We all went inside after the fire started going out and we all decided to play hide-and-seek....in the dark! So we shut all of the lights off, dressed up in black clothes, and started our game. However, our party was pooped on when my father-in-law walked through the door, turned on the lights and complained about us playing around. After that we all just went back outside and talked until it was time for bed.
So thats what happened last night. And that's why I'm tired. But I don't regret it! At least I got all of my homework done. And next Friday we plan on finishing our game of hide and seek.

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