Thursday, September 22, 2011

Death Penalty and Abortion

About an hour ago, I read an article about the man from Georgia being executed after being convicted 22 years ago for the death of a security guard. Last Saturday, I read an article about Gov. of Texas, Rick Perry and the death penalty in Texas. Thanks you, Yahoo.
I believe in the death penalty. I asked my Sunday School Teacher what his opinions were on it and he said he believed it too. In fact, he said it was in The Bible. Growing up in Texas, I've always believed in the death penalty. Of course, if you kill somebody then you deserve the capital punishment, which is death.
However, what I DO NOT believe in is abortion. On the Yahoo article I read on Rick Perry, one person added a comment saying somewhere along the lines of, "Oh sure, you can save an unborn baby still in the mother, but if you commit any crime in Texas, you're dead." Which I thought was blasphemous for them to say. You are only served the death penalty in Texas if you murder somebody else. But why would that person be so against saving the life of an unborn baby? Its a baby! They don't know anything about the world. They want to live. They want to grow up and because adults and successful. However, that can't happen if they're taken that away.

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