Thursday, September 15, 2011


Here's a touchy subject. This blog is about religion. Everybody has their own opinion of God, some don't believe in him at all, however, I'm not one of them. I believe in God and I see him as my savior from sin and the greatest being there is. I'm not here to shove my religion down your throat as some people say, I'm just here to share my thoughts on the subject.
I was born, raised, and baptized into a Roman Catholic family, we didn't necessarily go to church every week, but we still believed in God. However, my family didn't really explain God to me; and it didn't help that when I went to church, it was in spanish, so I believed what I was told. When I was young, I always thought that doing good things will get you into Heaven, which was why I was a very well behaved child in school. The thought of Hell scared me, and I knew it was a place I didn't want to be. As I got older, it was then that I learned that the beliefs I had as a child, were the beliefs that most Roman Catholics believed.
When I was 15, I started going to church with my friend, Nicole. She went to a baptist church, which made me feel a little bit uncomfortable because of the religion difference, but I went anyways to learn what they believed. Turns out, their beliefs were similar to mine, however, their idea of going to Heaven was salvation. I agreed with that since you have to trust Jesus as your savior in order to go to Heaven; why would God allow you into heaven when you don't think that Jesus died on the cross for you? However, the way they explain the differences between Christian and Catholics offended me. They said that Catholics were completely oblivious to the concept of God and salvation and they think that the way to getting into Heaven is all wrong. Since I grew up knewing what I knew, I defended my religion. Doing good things will get you into Heaven: Thats not necessarily true, but why would somebody be allowed to get into heaven if they're saved, but they've comitted so many sins and didn't act like a true believer of God? So to me, being saved will definately get you into heaven, but being good, and doing good things is just a plus to it.

I actually have a lot to say about this. A long rant I would say.. but I won't bore you unless you want me to. So I'm going to get on with my life now. See ya!

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