Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Is Speed Making People Impatient?

Speed is something that some people brag about in America, with our speedy phones, lightning fast internet, fast download times, etc. But can all that speed breed impatience when others are not up to your level?

It's a 30 minute drive from my house to Macon State. To get to Macon from Jeffersonville, you go down I-16 and then get on I-75 after about 20 minutes. During that time, I saw so many people speeding. It's bad enough that the Twiggs County speed limit on I-16 is 70 mph, most people (including me, I may add) are going 80 mph or more. While I was barely turtle stepping at 80 mph today, other vehicles, mainly pickup trucks, are flying past me in the other lane. This makes me wonder why do I see only newer cars speeding on the highway?

Don't get me wrong, my husband owns an '03 Nissan Altima and he speeds constantly. When we were driving from Texas back to Georgia, we were in my '09 Chevy Cobalt and he got pulled over in Butler, GA for going 89 mph in a 55 mph zone. He was very impatient, being in a car for 16 hours, and he wanted to get home as fast as possible. When we were on the highway, we had the ability to speed since everybody was, but, you just can't do that on a regular road. It was a big mistake. A big EXPENSIVE mistake.

As I was saying, today on Eisenhower when I was driving to school, there was a slow car in front of me. She was going about 5 miles under the speed limit and it started to make me, and the people behind me a little irritated. The thing that shocked me the most, however, is the truck behind me pulled out into the left lane, sped up, and merged back into the right lane with myself and the slow car, just to get into the turning lane to take a right on the next road. Seriously? You can't wait an extra ten seconds for us to get ahead enough so you can go into the turning lane? Instead you had to go through all that trouble? I thought it was ridiculous. Thats not the only rant I have for today, however.

At my house, I have my personal laptop, and there's an old, main computer for everybody to use. My brother-in-law is ALWAYS on MY laptop so he can play his videogame. Why? Because my computer is faster. He gets angry when the main computer is slow and lagging. It actually irritates me because he's using my laptop, adding software on it, adding all of his music, etc. just because he doesn't want to deal with a slow computer, where I can't use my laptop all day or do the things I want to because he's on it. I know I can just kick him off, but I'm too nice to do that.

Well I guess I'm done here. Bye!

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