Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Name: Lumpy Space Princess
Alias: LSP, Lumpy
Age: Unknown
Class: Bunny
Lumpy is the newest edition to the family. My husband bought her for me from the pet store after after constant begging and I love her so much. We don't exactly know how old she is, but she's still a baby. Her first day in the house was pretty rough. She didn't want to eat anything and was too afraid to explore the house. We've had her for almost a week now, and she loves where she lives. The only bad thing however is that she's peed on my bed twice already! What's weird about her is that she NEVER makes any noise! The cats accept her, the dogs still need to get used to her, however. When I let her run around the house, she loves to hide under the table or under my bed, and plays around by running from me when I try to pick her up. She enjoys being outside, but I have to constantly watch her because our outside dog, Toby tries to play with her. Toby is a pitbull and often plays too rough with animals and ends up killing them (RIP all the squirrels). LSP is a very lovable pet and has grown quickly on me. I hope to have her for many more years and that my children to love her as much as I do.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


So I've recently learned about this Occupy Wall Street ordeal and there's a few comments I have about it. First off, I agree that we should all be treated equal and whatnot, but we are not entitled to jobs. Jobs shouldn't just be given to us, we have to earn them. Another thing, they said, "They have taken our teenagers hostage with tens of thousands of dollars in education debt...that we are entitled to,"... something like that, its not exactly correct. HOWEVER, we are not ENTITLED to education after 12th grade. It is our choice to go to college. The students are the ones who signed the dotted lines on the loan contract, therefore it's not the big corporations and banks fault, its the person who signed it. I also agree with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer thing, but how are you going to make yourself richer if you're sitting there protesting? Would you rather have a sucky job with base pay, or no job at all? Whatever you choose is your decision, not mine.

My grandmother was a manager for CVS Pharmacy when she lost her job (not because of the economy, however, shortly after, the recession hit). What did she do? She didn't just sit there and pout about not having a job; she actually tried to get back on her feet. She didn't have a college education, like most people, but she believed that something is better than nothing. She worked odd jobs, jobs that payed minimum wage, anything to get the bills paid, she worked hard, and how she works as a sales associate for Belk and Brighton, getting monthly bonuses and frequent raises. Its not exactly the same as a management position, but its still something.

I don't really know what I'm trying to say here, but I'll try to explain it. Things are not given to us, we have to go out and earn it. Maybe protesting is their way of trying to get what they want, but it's not mine. I can't complain about the economy. I'm still young, I'm in college and actually getting money back from financial aid, so I don't have to worry about loans or anything. I don't have a job, but I'm looking. I guess that's all I can say for myself. What about you?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

So Sleepy

I'm so tired today and I don't understand why! I mean, I went to bed at 10pm--which usually I don't go to sleep until 10:30 or 11-- but I woke up today so tired. I almost fell asleep driving to school today, too. My husband was asleep in the passenger seat, so it wouldn't have helped if I flew into a ditch somewhere either. I haven't felt this sleepy all semester. Usually when I feel tired, I just yawn it off and get on with whatever I'm doing. But today, I felt like I was just about to die. I was fighting off sleep in my History class, which I never do because I'm never terribly tired.

I'm not sure of what to write about today. It's an off day for me, so I guess I'll go now. I'll be sure to write more later. Bye!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I'm Hearing Voices...

I'm sitting outside of my husband's class.... again, and every time I sit out here, I hear everybody talk amongst their friends about some of the most personal things. Often times, there's stuff I really DO NOT want to hear about. I wonder if they know that I'm right around the corner hearing all of this stuff. I'm not necessarily listening to their conversation, but I can hear it, because they're talking fairly loud. What I'm trying to listen to actually is the lecture that's going on in my husbands history class. I honestly think that it's more interesting than the gossip around the corner.

Other than that, on Saturday I went to Stone Mountain with my husbands family for Geico Family Day. I had a lot of fun, other than it being cold-- and I almost slipped as I was walking up the mountain. The walk was very exhilarating, actually. When we were walking up the mountain, our bodies were heating up, and it made the breeze feel really good against my skin. When I finally got to the top, all I wanted to do was take a break! I haven't felt that out of shape in my life. We stayed on the top of the mountain for a while, took pictures, and then finally it came: the dreaded walk DOWN the mountain. It was a lot easier than walking up, but it was still hard for me, because suddenly, my thigh started to hurt! I finally made my way down the mountain, we went to eat, went on the train ride, then finally watched the laser show. Overall it was very fun. I enjoyed myself a lot and now I have a new profile picture for facebook.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I've Come to the Decision...

I finally know what I'll do with my life! I've decided that I'm going to major in Nursing, and minor in General Studies. My mom always told me that I need to get my "2 years" out of the way. But all that would do is waste my time, I think. All of the courses in General Studies is my choice, and I chose to take nursing classes to help me out. So why not just get my A.S. in nursing? I'll talk to her about it. I'm nervous, however, because I have my first exam in History today. It's only multiple choice and 50 questions, but it's still hard to not get nervous for it. I want to do my best! I'm not completely sure of what else to write. I have a lot of stuff to do, so I'm going to go now. Bye bye! Wish me luck! :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Death Penalty and Abortion

About an hour ago, I read an article about the man from Georgia being executed after being convicted 22 years ago for the death of a security guard. Last Saturday, I read an article about Gov. of Texas, Rick Perry and the death penalty in Texas. Thanks you, Yahoo.
I believe in the death penalty. I asked my Sunday School Teacher what his opinions were on it and he said he believed it too. In fact, he said it was in The Bible. Growing up in Texas, I've always believed in the death penalty. Of course, if you kill somebody then you deserve the capital punishment, which is death.
However, what I DO NOT believe in is abortion. On the Yahoo article I read on Rick Perry, one person added a comment saying somewhere along the lines of, "Oh sure, you can save an unborn baby still in the mother, but if you commit any crime in Texas, you're dead." Which I thought was blasphemous for them to say. You are only served the death penalty in Texas if you murder somebody else. But why would that person be so against saving the life of an unborn baby? Its a baby! They don't know anything about the world. They want to live. They want to grow up and because adults and successful. However, that can't happen if they're taken that away.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Is Speed Making People Impatient?

Speed is something that some people brag about in America, with our speedy phones, lightning fast internet, fast download times, etc. But can all that speed breed impatience when others are not up to your level?

It's a 30 minute drive from my house to Macon State. To get to Macon from Jeffersonville, you go down I-16 and then get on I-75 after about 20 minutes. During that time, I saw so many people speeding. It's bad enough that the Twiggs County speed limit on I-16 is 70 mph, most people (including me, I may add) are going 80 mph or more. While I was barely turtle stepping at 80 mph today, other vehicles, mainly pickup trucks, are flying past me in the other lane. This makes me wonder why do I see only newer cars speeding on the highway?

Don't get me wrong, my husband owns an '03 Nissan Altima and he speeds constantly. When we were driving from Texas back to Georgia, we were in my '09 Chevy Cobalt and he got pulled over in Butler, GA for going 89 mph in a 55 mph zone. He was very impatient, being in a car for 16 hours, and he wanted to get home as fast as possible. When we were on the highway, we had the ability to speed since everybody was, but, you just can't do that on a regular road. It was a big mistake. A big EXPENSIVE mistake.

As I was saying, today on Eisenhower when I was driving to school, there was a slow car in front of me. She was going about 5 miles under the speed limit and it started to make me, and the people behind me a little irritated. The thing that shocked me the most, however, is the truck behind me pulled out into the left lane, sped up, and merged back into the right lane with myself and the slow car, just to get into the turning lane to take a right on the next road. Seriously? You can't wait an extra ten seconds for us to get ahead enough so you can go into the turning lane? Instead you had to go through all that trouble? I thought it was ridiculous. Thats not the only rant I have for today, however.

At my house, I have my personal laptop, and there's an old, main computer for everybody to use. My brother-in-law is ALWAYS on MY laptop so he can play his videogame. Why? Because my computer is faster. He gets angry when the main computer is slow and lagging. It actually irritates me because he's using my laptop, adding software on it, adding all of his music, etc. just because he doesn't want to deal with a slow computer, where I can't use my laptop all day or do the things I want to because he's on it. I know I can just kick him off, but I'm too nice to do that.

Well I guess I'm done here. Bye!