Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I'm Hearing Voices...

I'm sitting outside of my husband's class.... again, and every time I sit out here, I hear everybody talk amongst their friends about some of the most personal things. Often times, there's stuff I really DO NOT want to hear about. I wonder if they know that I'm right around the corner hearing all of this stuff. I'm not necessarily listening to their conversation, but I can hear it, because they're talking fairly loud. What I'm trying to listen to actually is the lecture that's going on in my husbands history class. I honestly think that it's more interesting than the gossip around the corner.

Other than that, on Saturday I went to Stone Mountain with my husbands family for Geico Family Day. I had a lot of fun, other than it being cold-- and I almost slipped as I was walking up the mountain. The walk was very exhilarating, actually. When we were walking up the mountain, our bodies were heating up, and it made the breeze feel really good against my skin. When I finally got to the top, all I wanted to do was take a break! I haven't felt that out of shape in my life. We stayed on the top of the mountain for a while, took pictures, and then finally it came: the dreaded walk DOWN the mountain. It was a lot easier than walking up, but it was still hard for me, because suddenly, my thigh started to hurt! I finally made my way down the mountain, we went to eat, went on the train ride, then finally watched the laser show. Overall it was very fun. I enjoyed myself a lot and now I have a new profile picture for facebook.

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