Tuesday, October 11, 2011


So I've recently learned about this Occupy Wall Street ordeal and there's a few comments I have about it. First off, I agree that we should all be treated equal and whatnot, but we are not entitled to jobs. Jobs shouldn't just be given to us, we have to earn them. Another thing, they said, "They have taken our teenagers hostage with tens of thousands of dollars in education debt...that we are entitled to,"... something like that, its not exactly correct. HOWEVER, we are not ENTITLED to education after 12th grade. It is our choice to go to college. The students are the ones who signed the dotted lines on the loan contract, therefore it's not the big corporations and banks fault, its the person who signed it. I also agree with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer thing, but how are you going to make yourself richer if you're sitting there protesting? Would you rather have a sucky job with base pay, or no job at all? Whatever you choose is your decision, not mine.

My grandmother was a manager for CVS Pharmacy when she lost her job (not because of the economy, however, shortly after, the recession hit). What did she do? She didn't just sit there and pout about not having a job; she actually tried to get back on her feet. She didn't have a college education, like most people, but she believed that something is better than nothing. She worked odd jobs, jobs that payed minimum wage, anything to get the bills paid, she worked hard, and how she works as a sales associate for Belk and Brighton, getting monthly bonuses and frequent raises. Its not exactly the same as a management position, but its still something.

I don't really know what I'm trying to say here, but I'll try to explain it. Things are not given to us, we have to go out and earn it. Maybe protesting is their way of trying to get what they want, but it's not mine. I can't complain about the economy. I'm still young, I'm in college and actually getting money back from financial aid, so I don't have to worry about loans or anything. I don't have a job, but I'm looking. I guess that's all I can say for myself. What about you?

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