Monday, August 29, 2011

Is romantic love a good basis for marriage?

So I was scrolling through the blog topics and happened to stumble upon this one.
Though romantic love is all cute and whatnot, I would say that it is not a good basis for marriage. Speaking as a person who got married at the age of 18, the love I had for my husband was romantic, but we both knew that romance was not a good foundation for marriage.
What happens when the romance fades? When you don't look as attractive as you did when you were younger? Romantic love in my opinion is the type of love thats all mushy gushy, or just a strong sexual attraction to your partner, well thats fine if you're just dating them, but marriage on those terms will end in disaster. In the end, you won't feel that attraction that you did to them in the beginning of the marriage. Marriage deals with compromise, sacrifices, and more indepth matters than just sex.
One problem I see with this, is that as you get married, either you or your partner, maybe even both of you will get comfortable and start to settle. The problem with that, is that when you settle, you begin to not care about the way you present yourself in front of your spouse. Often times they won't care, but you may get that one person who may want you to look your best at all times, just so they can have that same sexual attraction as they had in the beginning.
Once you're married, you're stuck. The only way you can get out is an anullment if you get out early, or have to go through a painful, expensive divorce. So basically to sum this all up, boys; think with the head on your shoulders, not the one in your pants. And girls; don't believe everything a boy tells you. Listen to your gut.

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